Big Ape Studios offers print design services creating unique brochures, business cards, advertisements, postcards, logos, presentation folders, posters, promotional materials, product catalogs, trade show exhibit graphics and more.
Logos for a computer networking company, a fundraiser and a gold mining company.
Presentation folder done with some fancy-smancy photoshopping.
Logo for a website that sells white elephant party gifts.
Postcard for a retail hot tub store.
Logos for a company developing a cancer fighting drug and a holding company.
Six stock photos + Photoshop = a postcard promoting a play.
Logos for a farm and an internal team of troubleshooters at Sprint.
Two book covers for Victorian West author, Michelle Black.
Logos for software that does stuff on a computer.
11" x 17" poster and two concert program covers (fall and Christmas).
Straight line or curvy line? This is the kind of question I face everyday.
Brochure promoting season tickets for the St. Joseph Community Chorus.
And here's the 17" x 11" poster for one of that season's concerts.
Two logo designs for an historic sites tour company.
Two brochure/mailers for UMKC School of Medicine.
Don't worry, technology will solve everything. 🙂
Two posters for the St. Joseph Community Chorus.
11" x 17" poster with a stained glass look.
Postcard for a jewelry store.
Logos for everybody!!!
CD cover for classical guitarist and composer Anthony Glise.
Ad for financial services tech company. The screen shot is of their software that I designed the GUI for.
Even more logos.
Three ads. The third one appeared in a Major League Baseball All-Star Game Program (9 million copies printed, woo-hoo!).
Logo for a joke website that, sadly, never happened. Kind of ironic.
Illustration for a foundation repair company.
Three-panel brochure about absinthe - "Party like it's 1899"
Mousepad, get it?
We work directly with many affordable, professional printing companies to make producing your projects as hassle-free as possible. If you have a printer that you prefer, we can work with them too.